Thursday, January 27, 2011

Random Happenings

Not a lot of fun and exciting things have happened since Christmas for us so I feel like I have had nothing to blog about! I will catch you all up on the nothing anyways! The kids are already wishing for summer (who isn't right?!) and telling me that as soon as Rigby Lake has water we need to go! I can understand where they are coming from! I would like some warm sun and cool water right now too! They also want to go camping! We didn't go last summer so they are going to drive me crazy about it this year until we do go!

Derek told me yesterday that he will be soon taking the preparatory test for the ACTs and I hate little reminders like that of how old he is getting! 2 more years of High School and he is out of here. It seems not that long ago I was walking him to pre-school!

Jake is still loving scouts and Conner is counting down the days until he turns 8 and can join too! Conner loves that he can go to the pack meetings and participate! Caitlyn loves to participate too! She also loves to sit and pose so can take pictures like this one of her at the last pack meeting!

For Christmas this year my grandma gave me the lovely gift of money and I got to spend it however I chose and I decided after 6 years of living with bare walls it was time for some decorating so I picked up this amazing metal wall art for above my couch! the picture doesn't do it justice at all! I love the way it looks with my red furniture and the swirls match the swirls in my tables so it helps pull the room together nicely!
Alex turn 12 last week and already we have "teen" drama in our house! I was hoping that all those times she promised me she would not behave this way meant I may have a chance but looks like I was wishing for too much! She is very excited to be 12 since it means she can finally go to Mutual on Tuesdays! She also is excited that I have let her go twice now to the mall with friends to just hang out! I too remember when my mom let me go hang out and how grown up it felt! The nice thing about getting older for me is that she didn't ask for toys for her birthday but a more practical bookshelf for all the books she has been getting lately. She got 14 new books for Christmas and 2 for her birthday plus a gift card for Barnes and Noble so she can buy more!
Well that is it! Like I said a whole lot of NOTHING! Maybe February will be more exciting for us!

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