Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ready for the new school year!

4 out of 5 kids are ready for school to start and anyone who knows us can figure out which child is against it! (Derek!) I have school clothes bought and supplies in piles and ready for backpacks! I printed off the lunch menu for the fridge door and they kids have already looked to see what wonderful new things they can eat this year! Caitlyn has her Kindergarten screener on Friday so they know how much she has already learned which according to her is ALOT! The dentist appointments and haircuts will be done within the next 2 weeks! This year I am so totally set! Jake has a new addition to his school gear this year! He is the proud new owner of glasses! He picked them out himself and I think he looks fantastic! Now hopefully they will help him see the books clearer this year!On a side note we finally came up with a name for the new kitty! He will forevermore be known as Simba! King of the Jungle! He has taken to living with us quite well! Even Mr. Dragonsniffles likes him!

1 comment:

Jessica Dean said...

Oh my heck! I LOVE the glasses! I can't believe how light Jakes hair is! I thought it was Conner. You are on top of it all! Sooooo, do they like school? How is Caitlyn doing? Gosh we miss you guys. Love the pict of Simba and Dragonsniffles! *sniff* Love you all.