Our first ever family vacation was a HUGE success! The kids could barely contain their excitement Thursday night and despite them going to bed early most of them were still awake at 10:00! I was up Friday morning and packing the last few things into the van at 4:30. Jake was up, dressed, and ready to leave before 5 and the rest of the kids were not far behind! After a stop for donuts and coffee we were off! In being true to some unwritten little kid rule,even though we had all peed before we left the house we still had to stop at the rest area between Shelley and Blackfoot! It wasn't even 6 a.m.! Wemade it to Boise around 11 and met up with Bob and Cammie so they could show us the way home! I might have found it on my own but I am not counting on that!

My first opinion of Vale was WOW! I can see why they moved there! It is so beautiful!

I enjoyed the quiet of the country and the sounds of nature. The weather was perfect the whole weekend and I have the sunburned shoulders to prove it!

The kids loved it from the start! Not only did they get to see their grandma, aunt, uncle, and cousins but they also got to see more animals than they normally see in a year! Cattle, goats, chickens, pigs, rabbits, dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, and Jake's favorite the horses! By Sunday morning Jake was riding Bullet all by himself! He is my little cowboy! He can't wait to get on a horse again! He loved riding by himself and with Aunt Cammie! All of the kids fell in love with the puppies and tried every trick to convince me to take 1 or even all 8 of them home! I have to admit telling them no was one of the hardest things I have ever done! I fell in love with them too!

We all had a hard time with leaving Sunday but we will be back! After finding out how great it was for all of us we have decided that Uncle Bob's will make a great vacation house and we plan on at least 2 if not 3 more trips this year alone! the kids will be talking about this trip for weeks to come! Our next trip will be for longer than a weekend so that we can really enjoy every aspect of ranch life!
Looks like you had WAY too much fun. Well, good for you! You all deserve a great holiday. But it was awfully quiet around here. My kids were so bored. But I'm with you, I don't think I could have resisted those puppies!!
It looks like you guys had a great time. Got to love the great outdoors.
im glad you had fun....i deffinatley missed you tho and im glad that we are both back to work...and i guess it will be ok when you go back next month as long as you come home
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