I am sure an updated blog post will shock most of you! I have been meaning to update for months! We have been living in Oregon for 8 months now and have been loving it! The decision to move was a fast one! As in we made the decision and in less than 3 weeks we were here! The kids are doing great in their new schools and have made alot of new friends. The kids all participated in the 4th of July parade. Derek with the FFA and the other kids with 4H.

The kids also got to go to their very first rodeo! Conner and Jake tried to catch me a greased pig and they came close! Caitlyn liked the rodeo queens and thinks she can do that too!

The kids all have chores they are responsible for now. They are all learning how to care for the farm animals.

We got Caitlyn signed up to show at the fair. She showed a rabbit and a goat in the open class and she did fantastic! Winning all sorts of ribbons. The fair was a great experience for all of us! We stayed on the fair grounds which the little ones thought was an adventure.

The kids all catch the same bus for school every morning. I am sure the bus driver was shocked to see such a herd standing at the end of the driveway waiting for her! I like having them all leave and come home at the same time instead of all the different times like in Idaho Falls.

Derek has joined FFA and gets to wear one of those awesome corduroy jackets! I am glad he is getting involved with programs like this one.

Caitlyn likes to help out with chores and always dresses for the occasion!

Halloween was different for the kids this year. Instead of trick or treating we went to the church for the party there. The kids had a great time and still managed to come home with a ton of candy!

We had a great Thanksgiving with family I have not seen in over a decade and my kids have never met. Derek and his girlfriend learned how to play rummy and all the kids loved having a houseful of people to play with!
We helped out with the 4H llama food drive for the food bank. I think we knocked on half the doors in Vale! We brought in a ton of food and got to learn the llamas better.

Christmas was great. The kids got lots of clothes and some legos!

With spring headed our way we are having lots of babies born so all the kids think this is great! Of course they aren't the ones bottle feeding the babies that need it!
We are getting used to the difference in the weather. The summer was alot hotter than we are used to with everyday over 100 and this winter sure has been different too with a couple of snow storms not that it stuck around any! 50's and green grass in January and February are definitely something new!
Maybe my next update will not take another 10 months.... I hope anyways!!