Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hello 2010!!

The new year has started out kinda slow. Not a whole lot of juicy news to report. Caitlyn started out the year with a touch of flu so I got to miss work for that. I missed the beginning of last year because I was sick and if I remember right I missed the beginning of 2008 because of a sick kid. I hope we are not starting a new family tradition!

The kids have been having a blast with all the new stuff from Christmas. Of course the XBox 360 is the main attraction at our house now. And all the kids friends like to hang out and play so to get from one room to the other you usually have to step on someone. It is kinda nice being "the hangout house" though. I know where my kids are and what kind of mischief they are getting up to that way!

I have started helping out at the dance studio on a more permenent basis. I will like having more to do with the behind the scenes and day to day stuff that keeps the dancers dancing! I love being able to help out my kids in this way. Now if my boys would all 3 agree to dance it would really be cool!

I have not yet made my New Years resolutions because I have decided to not make silly ones or ones that are too far reaching and impossible to stick to. I will have to make them soon though or the year will be over and I will still be thinking! Any ideas?

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