Monday, November 16, 2009

The Tree is up already! (whatever was I thinking!)

After looking over my calendar for the next few weeks I realized I really don't have that much free time from now until Christmas weekend so I figured I had better get out the tree and get it up! So Sunday morning while my house was wonderfully quiet I got the tree box from the storage room and began the "ordeal"! I hate having to fluff out the branches and then sit and look at the tree from all angles to make sure there are no holes before I start with the lights! Mr. Dragonsniffles was very curious about the whole thing and tried his hardest to "help" out! I just about helped him right out the front door before it was over! Anyways tree up, lights on, but it is undecorated! I got the hard part done now I can take a break!

Jake is very concerned about the upcoming Thanksgiving dinner. Every year he starts asking a good two weeks in advance if we are having turkey and mashed potatoes! I don't know why he thinks we would have something different but it obviously is a major concern of his every November! He asked me again this morning to make sure grandma had not changed her mind about mashed potatoes! The way the kid acts you would think I never fix them! Little kids minds work in mysterious ways!

1 comment:

Jessica Dean said...

I hope Jake got his fill of potatoes before you came home to watch my kids!! He's so funny. I like your tree, it's pretty!