In an effort to feel a little more "spring like" I bought some fresh flowers from the store last night. They smell divine! I love the smell of fresh flowers! They are so earthy and to me make every bad thing that life throws at you seem pointless. The smell of a pine forest and the smell of sagebrush in the desert after a rain storm have the same effect!

Back to the flowers! My cat Mr. Dragonsniffles obviously thought I had bought all those pretty flowers just for his ammusement! He smelled them, tasted them, and sat on them! I was not ammused by the last one! I had to throw 3 of the flowers away that he had squished! But the flowers look beautiful sitting on my kitchen table! I may have to make fresh flowers a more frequent purchase!
I can't wait for the weather to warm up enough that going to the greenhouse on my lunch break becomes my favorite thing to do and having dirt under my nails is the norm! I have all these grand plans for my backyard this year so Mother Nature had better be nice this year and actually let us enjoy our summer!
1 comment:
i hope mr. dragonsniffles got a good swat on the head
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