Friday, January 23, 2009

My 4 yr old!

A couple of days ago I was out "window shopping" during my lunch hour with my mom. We decided to stop into Tuesday Morning to check out what new and exciting thing we just knew we had to have! I was walking through the clearance (I am a clearance queen!) when I saw some tights, the nice thick ones, on an end cap. I picked them up to check out the size before I got too excited over the $1.00 price tag and happily enough they were both the right size. Of course I had to buy them not only because of the price but because one pair was covered in big polka dots and the other with little cute hedgehogs!!

When I picked my daughter up from daycare and showed her the new additions to her wardrobe she told me that she just had to try them on right away! After we got them out of the package I noticed that both pair say sweet potatoes on the back. Sweet Potatoes being the brand name! I made the mistake of pointing it out to her too!

The next morning my daughter happily put on her new polka dot tights and a flowered dress and was ready to go to daycare! We got to the daycare and she put her coat and shoes away in her cubby and walked up to her teacher turned around and in a clear and loud voice says........"read my butt"!!

As you can imagine it was very hard for me to control my laughter but I knew if I didn't she would find this so amusing she would continue to say it to everyone she saw for the rest of the day. Her teacher was also having a hard time containing herself! Of course to my daughter she had said nothing wrong she just thought it was cool there were words on her tights!

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