Thursday, August 28, 2008

My first blog!

This morning when the alarm went off I rolled over and hit the snooze. I wanted to pull the blankets up over my head and pretend it was the weekend. I knew this was never going to happen not with my kids around! I pulled myself out of bed and walked to the bathroom to shower. I can do this with my eyes closed. I think it is a special talent women get after having kids! The ability to still get a few extra minutes of sleep while shampooing and shaving in the shower! I am normally not awake til I towel off!! Scary isn't it!! Once I get going in the morning I am fine it is just that initial push I need to give myself to get up in the morning! I need to move my alarm clock across the room I guess! Well that and about a pot of coffee!!

Getting 5 kids ready for school/daycare 5 days a week is not an easy task. One kid will want to sleep in. One kid will want to wear shorts with a sweater and dress shoes! One kid will want to eat nothing but pretzels and kool-aid for breakfast! I learned long ago that as long as they are dressed and eat something....anything....then I am a happy mom!! As much as I would like to think that we could live in a "Leave it to Beaver" world(you know pancakes, bacon, and kisses on moms cheek every morning!)I know my chances of that are slim to none! So at my house it is chocolate cake and pizza for breakfast and cold cereal for dinner and I am ok with that!! Now if I could just teach them something about fashion my world would be complete!!

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